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guideUpdate to CKEditor 5 v31.x

When updating your CKEditor 5 installation, make sure all the packages are the same version to avoid errors.

For custom builds, you may try removing the package-lock.json or yarn.lock files (if applicable) and reinstalling all packages before rebuilding the editor. For best results, make sure you use the most recent package versions.

# Update to CKEditor 5 v31.1.0

For the entire list of changes introduced in version 31.1.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v31.1.0.

Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v31.1.0.

# Interactive attributes

Starting from v31.1.0, the editor engine will detect attributes that may interrupt the editing experience and rename them to data-ck-unsafe-attribute-[original attribute name], for instance:

<!-- Before v31.1.0 -->
<p onclick="alert( 'Paragraph clicked!' )">Interactive paragraph</p>

<!-- After v31.1.0 -->
<p data-ck-unsafe-attribute-onclick="alert( 'Paragraph clicked!' )">Interactive paragraph</p>

Please keep in mind, that this new mechanism does not affect the data saved by the editor (e.g. the output of editor.getData()). The filtering only applies during the editing when the user interacts with the editor.

If you are the author of a plugin that generates this kind of content in the editing pipeline and you want it to be preserved, you can configure this when creating the element using DowncastWriter during the model–view conversion. Methods such as createContainerElement, createAttributeElement, or createEmptyElement accept an option that will disable filtering of specific attributes:

/* Before v31.1.0. */
const paragraph = writer.createContainerElement( 'p',
        class: 'clickable-paragraph',
        onclick: 'alert( "Paragraph clicked!" )'

/* After v31.1.0. */
const paragraph = writer.createContainerElement( 'p',
        class: 'clickable-paragraph',
        onclick: 'alert( "Paragraph clicked!" )'
        // Make sure the "onclick" attribute will pass through.
        renderUnsafeAttributes: [ 'onclick' ]

# Blocking script elements

Also starting from v31.1.0, any <script> element that would find its way to the editing layer of the editor (and the user interacting with it) will be filtered out (renamed to <span data-ck-unsafe-element="script"></span>).

Please keep in mind that this mechanism will not change the output of the editor (e.g. the result of editor.getData() will include full <script>...</script> tags) and there is no way to opt out of it.

# The table and tableCell attributes’ names change

Names of the table elements’ attributes have changed. A table prefix has been added to all the names.

The affected attributes include: borderStyle, borderColor, borderWidth, backgroundColor, alignment, width and height.

These are now respectively: tableBorderStyle, tableBorderColor, tableBorderWidth, tableBackgroundColor, tableAlignment, tableWidth and tableHeight.

Names of the tableCell elements’ attributes have changed. A tableCell prefix has been added to all the names.

The affected attributes include: backgroundColor, padding, width, height, borderStyle, borderColor, borderWidth, verticalAlignment and horizontalAlignment.

These were changed to tableCellBackgroundColor, tableCellPadding, tableCellWidth, tableCellHeight, tableCellBorderStyle, tableCellBorderColor, tableCellBorderWidth, tableCellVerticalAlignment and tableCellHorizontalAlignment respectively.

# Update to CKEditor 5 v31.0.0

For the entire list of changes introduced in version 31.0.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v31.1.0.

Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v31.0.0.

# HTML embed commands

Starting from v31.0.0, the 'insertHtmlEmbed' and 'updateHtmlEmbed' commands are no longer available. They have been replaced with a new, unified command: 'htmlEmbed'.

/* Before v31.0.0. */

// Inserts an empty HTML embed.
editor.execute( 'insertHtmlEmbed' );

// Updates the content of a selected HTML embed.
editor.execute( 'updateHtmlEmbed', '<p>HTML string</p>' );

/* After v31.0.0. */

// Inserts an empty HTML embed.
editor.execute( 'htmlEmbed' );

// Inserts an HTML embed with some initial content.
editor.execute( 'htmlEmbed', '<b>Initial content</b>.' );

// Updates the content of a selected HTML embed.
editor.execute( 'htmlEmbed', '<b>New content.</b>' );

The InsertHtmlEmbedCommand and UpdateHtmlEmbedCommand classes have been removed, too. Use the HtmlEmbedCommand class for integration with the HTML embed feature.