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guideCKEditor 5 changelog

This is the CKEditor 5 changelog guide. Here you will find information about the most important changes introduced in the release, new features and bugfixes. Information about both major and minor breaking changes is available, too, if such were introduced. You can read more about breaking changes in CKEditor 5 in the Versioning policy guide.

You can find additional information about each release in the blog posts linked at the start of each entry.

This guide only provides the changelog information for the latest 3 releases of CKEditor 5. For older releases, refer to the release notes on GitHub.

# CKEditor 5 36.0.1 release

# Bug fixes

# CKEditor 5 36.0.0 release


  • core: The EditorUI class was moved from @ckeditor/ckeditor5-core to @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui.


  • The addToolbarToDropdown() and addListToDropdown() helpers create content panels on the first dropdown open. Make sure that you access the dropdown panel after the dropdown is open. See #12890.
  • Toolbar views are filled with items on the first appearance. Make sure that you access toolbar items after the toolbar is visible. See #12890.
  • Contextual balloon panels are created on the first appearance. See #12890.

# Features

# Bug fixes

  • engine: Markers that are next to an auto-paragraphed text nodes will be moved to the new paragraph together with the text. (commit)
  • engine: Fixed focus handling issue which happened on Chrome after a nested editable was clicked. (commit)
  • engine: Fixed markers that were not properly set on list items and on elements in table cells, resulting in losing comments and suggestions after re-loading the document. Closes #13285. (commit)
  • find-and-replace: Disabled the find and replace popup in source mode. Closes #12939. (commit)
  • import-word: Enabled the .dotx extension in the file dialog.
  • list: The default list marker for an unordered list should be disc (instead of circle). Closes: #13206. (commit)
  • list: Fixed markers that were not properly set on list items and on elements in table cells, resulting in losing comments and suggestions after re-loading the document. Closes #13285. (commit)
  • paste-from-office: Fixed pasting images from MS Word 2016. Closes #11993. (commit)
  • table: Table and table cell property commands should not be called before changing any value to avoid creating unnecessary suggestions in the track changes mode. Closes #13262. (commit)
  • table: The editor should not crash on getData() call if the PlainTableOutput plugin is used with the TableColumnResize feature. Closes #13164. (commit)
  • table: Fixed markers that were not properly set on list items and on elements in table cells, resulting in losing comments and suggestions after re-loading the document. Closes #13285. (commit)
  • track-changes: Indent and outdent suggestions made on block images in document lists are now working correctly when accepted.
  • track-changes: Suggestions are now correctly highlighted after typing inside the deletion suggestion.

# Other changes

# CKEditor 5 35.4.0 release

Read about release highlights in a dedicated blog post:–and-better-control-over-the-pdf-and-word-converters/


  • engine: HtmlDataProcessor skips HTML comments by default. Set its skipComments property to false to retain comments (or use the HtmlComment plugin).

# Features

  • image: Upcast the <img> element with the display:block style as a block image. Closes #12811. (commit)
  • lists: Allow list indexing to start from 0. Closes #12827. (commit)
  • track-changes: Added track changes integration for lists, document list properties, and table resize features.
  • track-changes: Introduced the trackChanges.trackFormatChanges configuration property which can be used to disable tracking of format changes.

# Bug fixes

  • clipboard: Replace a tab with four spaces when pasting data from clipboard. Closes #12806. (commit)
  • comments: It is no longer necessary to make two mouse clicks to move the selection if the annotation in a wide sidebar was focused before.
  • comments: Long user names will no longer break annotations styling in inline and narrow sidebar display modes.
  • comments: Comment view should not lose focus or hide after clicking the cancel icon in the deletion confirmation box.
  • comments: Removing a comment thread imported from a Word file with at least one reply, no longer results in an error where only the first comment was removed instead of the whole thread.
  • engine: Fixed a bug which in some scenarios caused rendering with an outdated selection state when the editor was focused (on Chromium browsers). Closes #12967. (commit)
  • engine: The Model#insertObject() method should not crash when attempting to set a selection after inserting an inline element. Closes #12809. (commit)
  • html-support: Markers should not be lost while upcasting a plain table (without the <figure> element). (commit)
  • html-support: Basic styles formatting now works well with the remove format feature. Closes #12626. (commit)
  • real-time-collaboration: In some scenarios the document content was not updated by remote changes until the editor was focused.
  • special-characters: The special character label in dropdown should be updated when navigating with keyboard. Closes #12393. (commit)
  • special-characters: Special characters form a header should use a heading markup. Closes #12464. (commit)
  • table: The table width and height attributes should be upcasted from the <figure> element if it exists. Closes #12812. (commit)
  • Table: Improved the label positioning in RTL editor mode in the insert table dropdown. Closes #12833. (commit)
  • track-changes: Fixed editor crash when the TrackChangesData plugin was used with some editor configurations including real-time collaboration plugins.
  • track-changes: Fixed editor crash when the TrackChangesData plugin was used with pagination plugin.
  • track-changes: Fixed various incorrect scenarios related to the document list integration with track changes.
  • track-changes: Use all ranges in the markMultiRangeFormatBlock suggestion accept.
  • track-changes: Fixed the editor crash when the document list properties config is overwritten.
  • ui: The keyboard navigation in grid dropdowns should not be reversed in RTL editor. Closes #12871. (commit)
  • ui: The split button divider should stretch to the edges of the button. Closes #10936. (commit)
  • widget: Screen readers should now read the keyboard shortcuts to type around a widget. Closes #11936. (commit)

# Other changes