
RootEditableElement (engine/view)



Class representing a single root in the data view. A root can be either editable or read-only, but in both cases it is called "an editable". Roots can contain other editable elements making them "nested editables".



  • readonly inherited

    childCount : Number

    Number of element's children.

  • readonly inherited

    document : Document

    The document instance to which this node belongs.

  • readonly inherited

    index : Number | null

    Index of the node in the parent element or null if the node has no parent.

    Accessing this property throws an error if this node's parent element does not contain it. This means that view tree got broken.

  • readonly inherited

    isEmpty : Boolean

    Is true if there are no nodes inside this element, false otherwise.

  • readonly inherited observable

    isFocused : Boolean

    Whether the editable is focused.

    This property updates when document.isFocused or view selection is changed.

  • inherited observable

    isReadOnly : Boolean

    Whether the editable is in read-write or read-only mode.

  • readonly inherited

    name : String

    Name of the element.

  • readonly inherited

    nextSibling : Node | null

    Node's next sibling, or null if it is the last child.

  • readonly inherited

    parent : Element | DocumentFragment | null

    Parent element. Null by default. Set by _insertChild.

  • readonly inherited

    previousSibling : Node | null

    Node's previous sibling, or null if it is the first child.

  • readonly inherited

    root : Node | DocumentFragment

    Top-most ancestor of the node. If the node has no parent it is the root itself.

  • readonly

    rootName : String

    Name of this root inside Document that is an owner of this root. If no other name is set, main name is used.

  • protected inherited

    _attrs : Map

    Map of attributes, where attributes names are keys and attributes values are values.

  • protected inherited

    _children : Array.<Node>

    Array of child nodes.

  • protected inherited

    _classes : Set

    Set of classes associated with element instance.

  • protected inherited

    _customProperties : Map

    Map of custom properties. Custom properties can be added to element instance, will be cloned but not rendered into DOM.

  • protected


    Overrides old element name and sets new one. This is needed because view roots are created before they are attached to the DOM. The name of the root element is temporary at this stage. It has to be changed when the view root element is attached to the DOM element.


    name : String

    The new name of element.

  • protected inherited

    _styles : StylesMap

    Normalized styles.

  • private readonly inherited

    _unsafeAttributesToRender : Array.<String>

    A list of attribute names that should be rendered in the editing pipeline even though filtering mechanisms implemented in the DomConverter (for instance, shouldRenderAttribute) would filter them out.

    These attributes can be specified as an option when the element is created by the DowncastWriter. To check whether an unsafe an attribute should be permitted, use the shouldRenderUnsafeAttribute method.


  • constructor( document, name )

    Creates root editable element.


    document : Document

    The document instance to which this element belongs.

    name : String

    Node name.

  • mixed

    bind( bindProperties ) → Object

    Binds observable properties to other objects implementing the Observable interface.

    Read more in the dedicated guide covering the topic of property bindings with some additional examples.

    Consider two objects: a button and an associated command (both Observable).

    A simple property binding could be as follows:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isEnabled' );

    or even shorter:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command );

    which works in the following way:

    • button.isEnabled instantly equals command.isEnabled,
    • whenever command.isEnabled changes, button.isEnabled will immediately reflect its value.

    Note: To release the binding, use unbind.

    You can also "rename" the property in the binding by specifying the new name in the to() chain:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isWorking' );

    It is possible to bind more than one property at a time to shorten the code:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled', 'value' ).to( command );

    which corresponds to:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command );
    button.bind( 'value' ).to( command );

    The binding can include more than one observable, combining multiple data sources in a custom callback:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isEnabled', ui, 'isVisible',
    	( isCommandEnabled, isUIVisible ) => isCommandEnabled && isUIVisible );

    Using a custom callback allows processing the value before passing it to the target property:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'value', value => value === 'heading1' );

    It is also possible to bind to the same property in an array of observables. To bind a button to multiple commands (also Observables) so that each and every one of them must be enabled for the button to become enabled, use the following code:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).toMany( [ commandA, commandB, commandC ], 'isEnabled',
    	( isAEnabled, isBEnabled, isCEnabled ) => isAEnabled && isBEnabled && isCEnabled );


    bindProperties : String

    Observable properties that will be bound to other observable(s).



    The bind chain with the to() and toMany() methods.

  • mixed

    decorate( methodName )

    Turns the given methods of this object into event-based ones. This means that the new method will fire an event (named after the method) and the original action will be plugged as a listener to that event.

    Read more in the dedicated guide covering the topic of decorating methods with some additional examples.

    Decorating the method does not change its behavior (it only adds an event), but it allows to modify it later on by listening to the method's event.

    For example, to cancel the method execution the event can be stopped:

    class Foo {
    	constructor() {
    		this.decorate( 'method' );
    	method() {
    		console.log( 'called!' );
    const foo = new Foo();
    foo.on( 'method', ( evt ) => {
    }, { priority: 'high' } );
    foo.method(); // Nothing is logged.

    Note: The high priority listener has been used to execute this particular callback before the one which calls the original method (which uses the "normal" priority).

    It is also possible to change the returned value:

    foo.on( 'method', ( evt ) => {
    	evt.return = 'Foo!';
    } );
    foo.method(); // -> 'Foo'

    Finally, it is possible to access and modify the arguments the method is called with:

    method( a, b ) {
    	console.log( `${ a }, ${ b }`  );
    // ...
    foo.on( 'method', ( evt, args ) => {
    	args[ 0 ] = 3;
    	console.log( args[ 1 ] ); // -> 2
    }, { priority: 'high' } );
    foo.method( 1, 2 ); // -> '3, 2'


    methodName : String

    Name of the method to decorate.

  • mixed

    delegate( events ) → EmitterMixinDelegateChain

    Delegates selected events to another Emitter. For instance:

    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX' ).to( emitterB );
    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX', 'eventY' ).to( emitterC );

    then eventX is delegated (fired by) emitterB and emitterC along with data: 'eventX', data );

    and eventY is delegated (fired by) emitterC along with data: 'eventY', data );


    events : String

    Event names that will be delegated to another emitter.


  • inherited

    findAncestor( patterns ) → Element | null

    Returns ancestor element that match specified pattern. Provided patterns should be compatible with Matcher as it is used internally.


    patterns : Object | String | RegExp | function

    Patterns used to match correct ancestor. See Matcher.


    Element | null

    Found element or null if no matching ancestor was found.


  • mixed

    fire( eventOrInfo, [ args ] ) → *

    Fires an event, executing all callbacks registered for it.

    The first parameter passed to callbacks is an EventInfo object, followed by the optional args provided in the fire() method call.


    eventOrInfo : String | EventInfo

    The name of the event or EventInfo object if event is delegated.

    [ args ] : *

    Additional arguments to be passed to the callbacks.



    By default the method returns undefined. However, the return value can be changed by listeners through modification of the evt.return's property (the event info is the first param of every callback).

  • inherited

    getAncestors( options = { [options.includeSelf], [options.parentFirst] } ) → Array

    Returns ancestors array of this node.


    options : Object

    Options object.

    [ options.includeSelf ] : Boolean

    When set to true this node will be also included in parent's array.

    Defaults to false

    [ options.parentFirst ] : Boolean

    When set to true, array will be sorted from node's parent to root element, otherwise root element will be the first item in the array.

    Defaults to false



    Array with ancestors.

  • inherited

    getAttribute( key ) → String | undefined

    Gets attribute by key. If attribute is not present - returns undefined.


    key : String

    Attribute key.


    String | undefined

    Attribute value.

  • inherited

    getAttributeKeys() → Iterable.<String>

    Returns an iterator that contains the keys for attributes. Order of inserting attributes is not preserved.



    Keys for attributes.

  • inherited

    getAttributes() → Iterable.<*>

    Returns iterator that iterates over this element's attributes.

    Attributes are returned as arrays containing two items. First one is attribute key and second is attribute value. This format is accepted by native Map object and also can be passed in Node constructor.


  • inherited

    getChild( index ) → Node

    Gets child at the given index.


    index : Number

    Index of child.



    Child node.

  • inherited

    getChildIndex( node ) → Number

    Gets index of the given child node. Returns -1 if child node is not found.


    node : Node

    Child node.



    Index of the child node.

  • inherited

    getChildren() → Iterable.<Node>

    Gets child nodes iterator.



    Child nodes iterator.

  • inherited

    getClassNames() → Iterable.<String>

    Returns iterator that contains all class names.


  • inherited

    getCommonAncestor( node, options = { [options.includeSelf] } ) → Element | DocumentFragment | null

    Returns a Element or DocumentFragment which is a common ancestor of both nodes.


    node : Node

    The second node.

    options : Object

    Options object.

    [ options.includeSelf ] : Boolean

    When set to true both nodes will be considered "ancestors" too. Which means that if e.g. node A is inside B, then their common ancestor will be B.

    Defaults to false


    Element | DocumentFragment | null
  • inherited

    getCustomProperties() → Iterable.<*>

    Returns an iterator which iterates over this element's custom properties. Iterator provides [ key, value ] pairs for each stored property.


  • inherited

    getCustomProperty( key ) → *

    Returns the custom property value for the given key.


    key : String | Symbol


  • inherited


    Returns block filler offset or null if block filler is not needed.

  • inherited

    getIdentity() → String

    Returns identity string based on element's name, styles, classes and other attributes. Two elements that are similar will have same identity string. It has the following format:

    'name class="class1,class2" style="style1:value1;style2:value2" attr1="val1" attr2="val2"'

    For example:

    const element = writer.createContainerElement( 'foo', {
    	banana: '10',
    	apple: '20',
    	style: 'color: red; border-color: white;',
    	class: 'baz'
    } );
    // returns 'foo class="baz" style="border-color:white;color:red" apple="20" banana="10"'

    Note: Classes, styles and other attributes are sorted alphabetically.


  • inherited

    getNormalizedStyle( property ) → Object | String | undefined

    Returns a normalized style object or single style value.

    For an element with style set to: margin:1px 2px 3em;

    element.getNormalizedStyle( 'margin' ) );

    will return:

    	top: '1px',
    	right: '2px',
    	bottom: '3em',
    	left: '2px'    // a normalized value from margin shorthand

    and reading for single style value:

    styles.getNormalizedStyle( 'margin-left' );

    Will return a 2px string.

    Note: This method will return normalized values only if a particular style processor rule is enabled. See StylesMap#getNormalized() for details.


    property : String

    Name of CSS property


    Object | String | undefined
  • inherited

    getPath() → Array.<Number>

    Gets a path to the node. The path is an array containing indices of consecutive ancestors of this node, beginning from root, down to this node's index.

    const abc = downcastWriter.createText( 'abc' );
    const foo = downcastWriter.createText( 'foo' );
    const h1 = downcastWriter.createElement( 'h1', null, downcastWriter.createText( 'header' ) );
    const p = downcastWriter.createElement( 'p', null, [ abc, foo ] );
    const div = downcastWriter.createElement( 'div', null, [ h1, p ] );
    foo.getPath(); // Returns [ 1, 3 ]. `foo` is in `p` which is in `div`. `p` starts at offset 1, while `foo` at 3.
    h1.getPath(); // Returns [ 0 ].
    div.getPath(); // Returns [].



    The path.

  • inherited

    getStyle( property ) → String | undefined

    Returns style value for the given property mae. If the style does not exist undefined is returned.

    Note: This method can work with normalized style names if a particular style processor rule is enabled. See StylesMap#getAsString() for details.

    For an element with style set to 'margin:1px':

    // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing: addMarginRules );
    const element = view.change( writer => {
    	const element = writer.createElement();
    	writer.setStyle( 'margin', '1px' );
    	writer.setStyle( 'margin-bottom', '3em' );
    	return element;
    } );
    element.getStyle( 'margin' ); // -> 'margin: 1px 1px 3em;'


    property : String


    String | undefined
  • inherited

    getStyleNames( [ expand ] ) → Iterable.<String>

    Returns iterator that contains all style names.


    [ expand ] : Boolean

    Expand shorthand style properties and return all equivalent style representations.

    Defaults to false


  • inherited

    hasAttribute( key ) → Boolean

    Returns a boolean indicating whether an attribute with the specified key exists in the element.


    key : String

    Attribute key.



    true if attribute with the specified key exists in the element, false otherwise.

  • inherited

    hasClass( className )

    Returns true if class is present. If more then one class is provided - returns true only when all classes are present.

    element.hasClass( 'foo' ); // Returns true if 'foo' class is present.
    element.hasClass( 'foo', 'bar' ); // Returns true if 'foo' and 'bar' classes are both present.


    className : String
  • inherited

    hasStyle( property )

    Returns true if style keys are present. If more then one style property is provided - returns true only when all properties are present.

    element.hasStyle( 'color' ); // Returns true if 'border-top' style is present.
    element.hasStyle( 'color', 'border-top' ); // Returns true if 'color' and 'border-top' styles are both present.


    property : String
  • inherited

    is( type ) → Boolean

    Checks whether this object is of the given type.

    This method is useful when processing view objects that are of unknown type. For example, a function may return a DocumentFragment or a Node that can be either a text node or an element. This method can be used to check what kind of object is returned. 'element' ); // -> true if this is an element 'node' ); // -> true if this is a node (a text node or an element) 'documentFragment' ); // -> true if this is a document fragment

    Since this method is also available on a range of model objects, you can prefix the type of the object with model: or view: to check, for example, if this is the model's or view's element: 'view:element' ); // -> true 'model:element' ); // -> false

    By using this method it is also possible to check a name of an element: 'element', 'img' ); // -> true 'view:element', 'img' ); // -> same as above, but more precise

    The list of view objects which implement the is() method:


    type : String

    Type to check.


  • inherited

    isAfter( node ) → Boolean

    Returns whether this node is after given node. false is returned if nodes are in different trees (for example, in different DocumentFragments).


    node : Node

    Node to compare with.


  • inherited

    isAttached() → Boolean

    Returns true if the node is in a tree rooted in the document (is a descendant of one of its roots).


  • inherited

    isBefore( node ) → Boolean

    Returns whether this node is before given node. false is returned if nodes are in different trees (for example, in different DocumentFragments).


    node : Node

    Node to compare with.


  • inherited

    isSimilar( otherElement ) → Boolean

    Checks if this element is similar to other element. Both elements should have the same name and attributes to be considered as similar. Two similar elements can contain different set of children nodes.


    otherElement : Element


  • mixed

    listenTo( emitter, event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired in a specific (emitter) object.

    Events can be grouped in namespaces using :. When namespaced event is fired, it additionally fires all callbacks for that namespace.

    // myEmitter.on( ... ) is a shorthand for myEmitter.listenTo( myEmitter, ... ).
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup', genericCallback );
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup:myEvent', specificCallback );
    // genericCallback is fired. 'myGroup' );
    // both genericCallback and specificCallback are fired. 'myGroup:myEvent' );
    // genericCallback is fired even though there are no callbacks for "foo". 'myGroup:foo' );

    An event callback can stop the event and set the return value of the fire method.


    emitter : Emitter

    The object that fires the event.

    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • mixed

    off( event, callback )

    Stops executing the callback on the given event. Shorthand for this.stopListening( this, event, callback ).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.

  • mixed

    on( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired.

    Shorthand for this.listenTo( this, event, callback, options ) (it makes the emitter listen on itself).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • mixed

    once( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed on the next time the event is fired only. This is similar to calling on followed by off in the callback.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • mixed

    set( name, [ value ] )

    Creates and sets the value of an observable property of this object. Such a property becomes a part of the state and is observable.

    It accepts also a single object literal containing key/value pairs with properties to be set.

    This method throws the observable-set-cannot-override error if the observable instance already has a property with the given property name. This prevents from mistakenly overriding existing properties and methods, but means that foo.set( 'bar', 1 ) may be slightly slower than = 1.


    name : String | Object

    The property's name or object with name=>value pairs.

    [ value ] : *

    The property's value (if name was passed in the first parameter).

  • inherited

    shouldRenderUnsafeAttribute( attributeName ) → Boolean

    Decides whether an unsafe attribute is whitelisted and should be rendered in the editing pipeline even though filtering mechanisms like shouldRenderAttribute say it should not.

    Unsafe attribute names can be specified when creating an element via DowncastWriter.


    attributeName : String

    The name of the attribute to be checked.


  • mixed

    stopDelegating( [ event ], [ emitter ] )

    Stops delegating events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop delegating all events.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to all emitters.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to a specific emitter.


    [ event ] : String

    The name of the event to stop delegating. If omitted, stops it all delegations.

    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    (requires event) The object to stop delegating a particular event to. If omitted, stops delegation of event to all emitters.

  • mixed

    stopListening( [ emitter ], [ event ], [ callback ] )

    Stops listening for events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop listening to a specific callback.
    • To stop listening to a specific event.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by a specific object.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by all objects.


    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    The object to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all objects.

    [ event ] : String

    (Requires the emitter) The name of the event to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all events from emitter.

    [ callback ] : function

    (Requires the event) The function to be removed from the call list for the given event.

  • inherited

    toJSON() → Object

    Custom toJSON method to solve child-parent circular dependencies.



    Clone of this object with the parent property removed.

  • mixed

    unbind( [ unbindProperties ] )

    Removes the binding created with bind.

    // Removes the binding for the 'a' property.
    A.unbind( 'a' );
    // Removes bindings for all properties.


    [ unbindProperties ] : String

    Observable properties to be unbound. All the bindings will be released if no properties are provided.

  • protected inherited

    _addClass( className )

    Adds specified class.

    element._addClass( 'foo' ); // Adds 'foo' class.
    element._addClass( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); // Adds 'foo' and 'bar' classes.


    className : Array.<String> | String



  • protected mixed

    _addEventListener( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Adds callback to emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • protected inherited

    _appendChild( items ) → Number

    Insert a child node or a list of child nodes at the end of this node and sets the parent of these nodes to this element.


    items : Item | Iterable.<Item>

    Items to be inserted.



    Number of appended nodes.



  • protected inherited

    _clone( [ deep ] ) → Element

    Clones provided element.


    [ deep ] : Boolean

    If set to true clones element and all its children recursively. When set to false, element will be cloned without any children.

    Defaults to false



    Clone of this element.

  • protected inherited

    _fireChange( type, node )


    type : ChangeType

    Type of the change.

    node : Node

    Changed node.


  • protected inherited

    _insertChild( index, items ) → Number

    Inserts a child node or a list of child nodes on the given index and sets the parent of these nodes to this element.


    index : Number

    Position where nodes should be inserted.

    items : Item | Iterable.<Item>

    Items to be inserted.



    Number of inserted nodes.



  • protected inherited


    Removes node from parent.

  • protected inherited

    _removeAttribute( key ) → Boolean

    Removes attribute from the element.


    key : String

    Attribute key.



    Returns true if an attribute existed and has been removed.



  • protected inherited

    _removeChildren( index, [ howMany ] ) → Array.<Node>

    Removes number of child nodes starting at the given index and set the parent of these nodes to null.


    index : Number

    Number of the first node to remove.

    [ howMany ] : Number

    Number of nodes to remove.

    Defaults to 1



    The array of removed nodes.



  • protected inherited

    _removeClass( className )

    Removes specified class.

    element._removeClass( 'foo' );  // Removes 'foo' class.
    element._removeClass( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); // Removes both 'foo' and 'bar' classes.


    className : Array.<String> | String



  • protected inherited

    _removeCustomProperty( key ) → Boolean

    Removes the custom property stored under the given key.


    key : String | Symbol



    Returns true if property was removed.


  • protected mixed

    _removeEventListener( event, callback )

    Removes callback from emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.

  • protected inherited

    _removeStyle( property )

    Removes specified style.

    element._removeStyle( 'color' );  // Removes 'color' style.
    element._removeStyle( [ 'color', 'border-top' ] ); // Removes both 'color' and 'border-top' styles.

    Note: This method can work with normalized style names if a particular style processor rule is enabled. See StylesMap#remove() for details.


    property : Array.<String> | String



  • protected inherited

    _setAttribute( key, value )

    Adds or overwrite attribute with a specified key and value.


    key : String

    Attribute key.

    value : String

    Attribute value.



  • protected inherited

    _setCustomProperty( key, value )

    Sets a custom property. Unlike attributes, custom properties are not rendered to the DOM, so they can be used to add special data to elements.


    key : String | Symbol
    value : *


  • protected inherited

    _setStyle( property, [ value ] )

    Adds style to the element.

    element._setStyle( 'color', 'red' );
    element._setStyle( {
    	color: 'red',
    	position: 'fixed'
    } );

    Note: This method can work with normalized style names if a particular style processor rule is enabled. See StylesMap#set() for details.


    property : String | Object

    Property name or object with key - value pairs.

    [ value ] : String

    Value to set. This parameter is ignored if object is provided as the first parameter.




  • inherited

    change( eventInfo )


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

  • inherited

    change:attributes( eventInfo, changedNode )

    Fired when list of elements attributes changes.

    Change event is bubbled – it is fired on all ancestors.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    changedNode : Node
  • inherited

    change:children( eventInfo, changedNode )

    Fired when list of elements children changes.

    Change event is bubbled – it is fired on all ancestors.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    changedNode : Node
  • inherited

    change:isFocused( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )

    Fired when the isFocused property changed value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    Name of the changed property (isFocused).

    value : Boolean

    New value of the isFocused property with given key or null, if operation should remove property.

    oldValue : Boolean

    Old value of the isFocused property with given key or null, if property was not set before.

  • inherited

    change:isReadOnly( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )

    Fired when the isReadOnly property changed value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    Name of the changed property (isReadOnly).

    value : Boolean

    New value of the isReadOnly property with given key or null, if operation should remove property.

    oldValue : Boolean

    Old value of the isReadOnly property with given key or null, if property was not set before.

  • inherited

    change:text( eventInfo, changedNode )

    Fired when text nodes data changes.

    Change event is bubbled – it is fired on all ancestors.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    changedNode : Node
  • mixed

    change:{property}( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )

    Fired when a property changed value.

    observable.set( 'prop', 1 );
    observable.on( 'change:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `${ propertyName } has changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    } );
    observable.prop = 2; // -> 'prop has changed from 1 to 2'


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    The property name.

    value : *

    The new property value.

    oldValue : *

    The previous property value.

  • mixed

    set:{property}( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )

    Fired when a property value is going to be set but is not set yet (before the change event is fired).

    You can control the final value of the property by using the event's return property.

    observable.set( 'prop', 1 );
    observable.on( 'set:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `Value is going to be changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    	console.log( `Current property value is ${ observable[ propertyName ] }` );
    	// Let's override the value.
    	evt.return = 3;
    } );
    observable.on( 'change:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `Value has changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    } );
    observable.prop = 2; // -> 'Value is going to be changed from 1 to 2'
                         // -> 'Current property value is 1'
                         // -> 'Value has changed from 1 to 3'

    Note: The event is fired even when the new value is the same as the old value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    The property name.

    value : *

    The new property value.

    oldValue : *

    The previous property value.