guideConfiguration options

When creating a CKBox instance, it is possible to pass various configuration options. Some of them are mandatory, while others allow customizing the component. Below, you can find the list of all available configuration options with live usage examples.

Please note that in this guide we focus on the configuration options available for developers at the code level. If you are looking for configuration options available for the administrator users, please refer to the Administration panel guide.

# List of configuration options

The table below presents a compact list of the available configuration options. Please click the option name to read about details and see a live usage example.

Option name Description
tokenUrl The URL of the token endpoint.
dialog Defines whether the CKBox instance should opn in dialog mode.
assets.onChoose The callback executed after choosing files.
categories.icons Allows setting custom icons for categories.
language The user interface language localization to use.
theme Theme of the user interface.
id Sets the instance ID.
serviceOrigin Sets the origin to use for the REST API.
view.openLastView Sets if the last view visited by the user will be reopened on the next startup.
view.onChange Callback executed when view is changed.
view.startupFolderId Sets the ID of the folder that will be opened on startup.
view.startupCategoryId Sets the ID of the category that will be opened on startup.
upload.componentsHideTimeout Sets timeout after which upload components are hidden after completed upload.
upload.dialogMinimizeTimeout Sets timeout after which upload dialog is minimized after completed upload.

# tokenUrl

As you might have read in the Authentication guide, CKBox uses JWT tokens for authentication. These tokens must be somehow obtained by the CKBox frontend client, and this is where the tokenUrl option comes into place. Using the URL passed here, CKBox obtains the JWT token and attaches it to all the API HTTP requests that require authentication.

This option is mandatory. Your CKBox will not work unless the tokenUrl is configured and your token endpoint returns proper JWT tokens.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url'

# dialog

This option allows opening CKBox in dialog mode. It takes a boolean value or a configuration object with the following attributes:

Attribute Description
width Dialog width in pixels.
height Dialog height in pixels.
onClose Callback executed after closing the dialog.
CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    dialog: {
        width: 800,
        height: 600

Click on the button below to open CKBox in dialog mode.

# assets.onChoose

Defines a callback executed after choosing files. If this option is defined, the Choose button will be visible in CKBox. After selecting assets and clicking the Choose button, a callback defined in assets.onChoose will receive an array of objects representing chosen assets.

Each asset object contains a data property with the following information about the asset:

Attribute Description
id Asset id.
name Asset file name.
extension Asset file extension.
imageUrls Maps available image widths to respective URLs on CDN. Useful for creating responsive images.
categoryId Category ID the asset belongs to.
size Asset file size in bytes.
uploadedAt Date the asset has been uploaded.
metadata Metadata of the asset. This object is format specific, i.e. for images it contains information about picture width and height in pixels.
url URL to original file on CDN.
CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    dialog: true,
    assets: {
        // Callback executed after choosing assets
        onChoose: (assets) => {
            assets.forEach(({ data }) => {

Click the button below to open CKBox in the dialog mode. URLs of the chosen files will be logged in the console.

# categories.icons

Allows setting custom icons for categories. This option takes an object with categories and icons that should be used instead of the default ones.
Categories can be defined using either their name or id (the id of the category can be obtained in the administration panel). Icons should be defined as strings containing the SVG images, or as React components.

The category can be referenced either by its name or by ID. When referencing the category by its name, you will have to update this configuration if the category name is changed. Referencing the category by ID is a more bulletproof solution because the category ID remains always the same. The category ID can be found in the Asset categories section of the administration panel.

Administration panel - category ID.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    dialog: true,
    categories: {
        icons: {
            Images: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M12.395 2.553a1 1 0 00-1.45-.385c-.345.23-.614.558-.822.88-.214.33-.403.713-.57 1.116-.334.804-.614 1.768-.84 2.734a31.365 31.365 0 00-.613 3.58 2.64 2.64 0 01-.945-1.067c-.328-.68-.398-1.534-.398-2.654A1 1 0 005.05 6.05 6.981 6.981 0 003 11a7 7 0 1011.95-4.95c-.592-.591-.98-.985-1.348-1.467-.363-.476-.724-1.063-1.207-2.03zM12.12 15.12A3 3 0 017 13s.879.5 2.5.5c0-1 .5-4 1.25-4.5.5 1 .786 1.293 1.371 1.879A2.99 2.99 0 0113 13a2.99 2.99 0 01-.879 2.121z" /></svg>',
            // Category can be referenced by ID
            // 'fdf2a647-b67f-4a6c-b692-5ba1dc1ed87b': '<svg...'

Click the button below to open the CKBox instance with a fancy flame icon set for the Images category.

# language

Configures the language to use in the CKBox instance. Please note that if you want to use a language other than English, you must include the appropriate language resource on your webpage:

<script src=""></script>

To read more about the supported languages, please refer to the Localization guide.

In the example below, CKBox is configured to use Spanish.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    language: 'es'

# theme

Configures theme to use.

To read more about theming options available in CKBox, please refer to Theming guide.

In the example below, CKBox is configured to use the dark theme.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    theme: 'dark'

# id

Sets the instance ID. This option is useful if you have multiple instances of CKBox on your webpage. By default, all the instances will share some parts of the data, e.g. user display options stored in the browser’s local storage. If CKBox instances have different id-s assigned, their user display options will be stored separately.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    id: 'instance1'

# serviceOrigin

Sets the origin to use for the REST API if CKBox backend is an own-hosted on-premises installation.

This option should be set only if you host the CKBox backend on your own. It should not be present if you use CKBox in the SaaS version.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    serviceOrigin: ''

# view.openLastView

Configures the startup of CKBox.
If it is set to false the last view visited by the user will not be reopened on the next startup.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    view: {
        openLastView: true

# view.onChange

Callback invoked on CKBox startup and on each view change.

The callback will receive object with following properties:

Attribute Description
type View type. One of the following values: category, fallback, folder, recent, search, settings.
data View data. This property is present only if view type is category or folder.

Category data contains following properties:

Attribute Description
id Unique ID of the category.
name Name of the category.
assetsCount Total number of assets in the category.
extensions List of allowed extensions for the category.

Folder data contains following properties:

Attribute Description
id Unique ID of the folder.
categoryId ID of the root category.
parentId ID of the parent folder (only present if folder’s parent is also a folder).
name Name of the folder.
assetsCount Total number of assets in the category.
CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    view: {
        onChange: (view) => {

            if (view.type === 'folder' || view.type === 'category') {

# view.startupFolderId

Sets the ID of the folder that will be opened on startup.
This option can be paired with setting view.openLastView to false to enforce CKBox to always open in a given folder at startup.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    view: {
        startupFolderId: 'PpgFC9jQnvzp'

To get the folder ID click on the label located below the folder-name heading in the folder settings drawer (available for admin users only).
Copy FolderID field in the folder properties drawer.

# view.startupCategoryId

Sets the ID of the category that will be opened on startup.
This option can be paired with setting view.openLastView to false to enforce CKBox to always open in a given category at startup.
If view.startupCategoryId is passed along with the view.startupFolderId option, CKBox will prioritize opening category view on the startup.

To get the category ID click on the label located below the category-name heading in the category settings drawer (available for admin users only).
Copy CategoryID field in the category properties drawer.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    view: {
        startupCategoryId: '849beccc-ea74-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003'

# upload.componentsHideTimeout

Sets timeout (in milliseconds) after which upload components (dialog and indicator) are hidden. By default, these components hide automatically after 10 seconds. Following rules apply:

  • If all uploads are completed successfully, the timeout starts immediately.
  • If at least one upload was not successful (e.g. it ended with an error or was aborted), the timeout will not start until user minimizes the upload dialog manually.
  • If user interacts with the upload dialog in any way, the timeout is cleared. Once user minimizes the upload dialog manually, the timeout starts again.
  • If user opens minimized upload dialog, the timeout is cleared.
CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    upload: {
        componentsHideTimeout: 5000,

# upload.dialogMinimizeTimeout

Sets timeout (in milliseconds) after which upload dialog is minimized once upload is finished and all uploads were successful.
By default, upload dialog is never minimized automatically.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    upload: {
        dialogMinimizeTimeout: 1000,