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guideCKFinder 3 for Java Connector Documentation

Welcome to CKFinder 3 – Java Connector Documentation.

This website contains documentation about the Java connector for CKFinder 3 and includes information about:

  • Enabling the Java connector.
  • Configuring the Java connector.
  • Creating Java connector plugins.

Use the navigation menu on the left side to browse the documentation.

# Feedback

Use the CKFinder Issue Tracker to:

  • Report issues.
  • Submit feature requests.
  • Suggest improvements in the documentation.

# Translations

In order to submit translations for CKFinder please use the ckfinder-translations repository.

# Additional documentation

CKFinder consists of two parts: the client side and the server-side connector(s).

The client-side part is common across all distributions (PHP, Java and ASP.NET), while the server-side parts are different for each language. As a result, there are multiple documentation websites available.

If you are looking for information about the JavaScript part of CKFinder and things like:

  • integrating CKFinder with your website or with CKEditor,
  • client-side configuration options,
  • API documentation,
  • tutorials about creating JavaScript plugins,
  • tutorials about creating skins,

see the CKFinder 3 Documentation.

If you want to learn more about other server-side connector types, refer to the:

# License

CKFinder is distributed under the CKFinder License Agreement.
You can purchase a license here together with your CKEditor license.