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UI components

The CKEditor 5 framework provides several UI components that can be helpful when developing a new user interface. All UI classes come with the set() method, which sets the properties of the components, such as labels, icons, placeholders, etc.

This article lists all available components and their variants. If you want to understand the implementation details, check the UI library guide.

# Balloon

A balloon with a button inside.

A balloon panel is a floating component that can appear depending on the context. It can be pinned to a specific position or added dynamically at the caret position. You can use it to display any UI within the editor. You can create a balloon panel as an instance of the BalloonPanelView class.

import { BalloonPanelView, ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const balloonButton = new ButtonView();
balloonButton.set( { label: 'Balloon button', withText: true } );

const balloon = new BalloonPanelView();
balloon.content.add( balloonButton );

const positions = BalloonPanelView.defaultPositions; {
	target: document.getElementById( 'balloon' ),
	positions: [ positions.southArrowNorth ]
} );

document.body.append( balloon.element );

Two positions describe the placement of the ballon. The first one describes the relationship between the element and the pinned balloon. The second one is the position of the balloon arrow. It creates many possible balloon positions:

  • northWestArrowSouthWest
  • northWestArrowSouthMiddleWest
  • northWestArrowSouth
  • northWestArrowSouthMiddleEast
  • northWestArrowSouthEast
  • northArrowSouthWest
  • northArrowSouthMiddleWest
  • northArrowSouth
  • northArrowSouthMiddleEast
  • northArrowSouthEast
  • northEastArrowSouthWest
  • northEastArrowSouthMiddleWest
  • northEastArrowSouth
  • northEastArrowSouthMiddleEast
  • northEastArrowSouthEast
  • southWestArrowNorthWest
  • southWestArrowNorthMiddleWest
  • southWestArrowNorth
  • southWestArrowNorthMiddleEast
  • southWestArrowNorthEast
  • southArrowNorthWest
  • southArrowNorthMiddleWest
  • southArrowNorth
  • southArrowNorthMiddleEast
  • southArrowNorthEast
  • southEastArrowNorthWest
  • southEastArrowNorthMiddleWest
  • southEastArrowNorth
  • southEastArrowNorthMiddleEast
  • southEastArrowNorthEast
  • viewportStickyNorth

# Button

There are two basic buttons in the CKEditor 5 UI library: a standard button and a switch. You can instantiate the standard button with the ButtonView class. By modifying the passed configuration, you can get different button variants and states. The ButtonLabelView class is a default implementation of the button’s label. It supports dynamic text via the text property.

# Action

To get an action button, add the ck-button-action class.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const actionButton = new ButtonView();

actionButton.set( {
	label: 'Action button',
	withText: true,
	class: 'ck-button-action'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-action' ).append( actionButton.element );

# Rounded

To get a rounded button, add the ck-rounded-corners class.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const roundedButton = new ButtonView();

roundedButton.set( {
	label: 'Rounded button',
	withText: true,
	class: 'ck-rounded-corners'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-rounded' ).append( roundedButton.element );

# Bold

To get a bold button, add the ck-button-bold class.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const boldButton = new ButtonView();

boldButton.set( {
	label: 'Bold button',
	withText: true,
	class: 'ck-button-bold'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-bold' ).append( boldButton.element );

# Icon

To get a button with an icon, import it first. Then set the icon property on the button. You can also add a custom icon to the dropdown by providing the entire XML string of the icon. There are also classes you can use to style icons appropriately.

import { ButtonView, icons } from 'ckeditor5';

const saveButton = new ButtonView();

saveButton.set( {
	label: 'Save',
	withText: false,
	icon: icons.check,
	class: 'ck-button-save'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-icon' ).append( saveButton.element );

# Keystrokes

To get a button with a shortcut, add the keystroke property. To display the shortcut on the button, set the withKeystroke property to true. If you also add a label, it will display next to the shortcut. You do not need to worry about different shortcuts for different operating systems – the shortcut is relative to the OS. For example, macOS will display the Ctrl+I shortcut as ⌘+I.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const keystrokeButton = new ButtonView();

keystrokeButton.set( {
	label: 'Italic',
	withText: true,
	withKeystroke: true,
	keystroke: 'Ctrl+I'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-keystroke' ).append( keystrokeButton.element );

# Tooltip

To get a button with a tooltip, add the tooltip property. You can use it to display additional information on button hover. If you set it to true, a label value is displayed.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const tooltipButton = new ButtonView();

tooltipButton.set( {
	label: 'Tooltip button',
	withText: true,
	tooltip: 'The content of the tooltip',
	tooltipPosition: 's'
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-tooltip' ).append( tooltipButton.element );

By default, the tooltip will appear to the south of the button. However, you can adjust its position with the tooltipPosition property. You can set the property to:

  • n – North
  • w – West
  • s – South
  • e – East
  • se – South-east
  • sw – South-west

A tooltip needs the TooltipManager to work correctly. You need to add it during CKEditor creation.

    .create( document.getElementById( 'ui-editor' ), {
        // Editor configuration.
    } )
    .then( editor => {
        this.tooltipManager = new TooltipManager( editor );
    } )
    .catch( error => {
        // Error handling.
    } );

# States

There are properties you can set to get various button states.

# Enabled

Buttons are enabled and clickable by default. You can also set the state explicitly by adding the isEnabled property with a true value.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const enabledButton = new ButtonView();

enabledButton.set( {
	label: 'Enabled state',
	withText: true,
	isEnabled: true
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-enabled' ).append( enabledButton.element );

# Disabled

To disable a button, set the isEnabled property to false.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const disabledButton = new ButtonView();

disabledButton.set( {
	label: 'Disabled state',
	withText: true,
	isEnabled: false
} );

document.getElementById( 'button-disabled' ).append( disabledButton.element );

# On

Some actions in the editor can constantly be active. To indicate them, you can set the isOn property to true.

import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const onButton = new ButtonView();

onButton.set( { label: 'On state', withText: true, isOn: true } );

document.getElementById( 'button-on' ).append( onButton.element );

# Switch

You need a different class to instantiate a switch button – SwitchButtonView. To make it work properly, you also need to add an event listener with the on() method. Every click triggers the flip of the isOn property. It is responsible for turning the button on and off.

import { SwitchButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';

const switchButton = new SwitchButtonView();

switchButton.set( {
	label: 'Switch button',
	withText: true,
	isOn: false
} );
switchButton.on( 'execute', () => { switchButton.isOn = !switchButton.isOn } );

document.getElementById( 'button-switch' ).append( switchButton.element );

A dropdown consists of two elements: a button and a panel. The button expands the dropdown menu. The dropdown panel can hold any UI element.

You can use the createDropdown() helper method to create a dropdown. By default, it uses the DropdownButtonView class. You can replace it with the ButtonView or SplitButtonView class.

# List

Inside a dropdown, you can put a list. To do so, you can use the addListToDropdown() helper function. Also, you must add items to a collection before putting them inside the dropdown.

import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const collection = new Collection();
collection.add( {
	type: 'button',
	model: new ViewModel( {
		label: 'Button',
		withText: true
	} )
} );
collection.add( {
	type: 'switchbutton',
	model: new ViewModel( {
		label: 'Switch button',
		withText: true
	} )
} );

const listDropdown = createDropdown( locale );
listDropdown.buttonView.set( {
	label: 'List dropdown',
	withText: true
} );
addListToDropdown( listDropdown, collection );

document.getElementById( 'dropdown-list' ).append( listDropdown.element );

# Toolbar

You can use the addToolbarToDropdown() helper function to add a toolbar to the dropdown. Inside the toolbar, you can put buttons.

import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const bold = new ButtonView();
const italic = new ButtonView();

bold.set( { label: 'Bold', withText: false, icon: icons.bold  } );
italic.set( { label: 'Italic', withText: false, icon: icons.italic  } );

const buttons = [ bold, italic ];

const toolbarDropdown = createDropdown( locale );
toolbarDropdown.buttonView.set( {
	label: 'Toolbar dropdown',
	withText: true
} );
addToolbarToDropdown( toolbarDropdown, buttons );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-button' ).append( toolbarDropdown.element );

Finally, you can add a multi-level menu to a dropdown. Use the addMenuToDropdown() helper function to simplify the process.

import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale(); // Can be `editor.locale`.
const body = new BodyCollection(); // Can be `editor.ui.view.body`.

const menuDropdown = createDropdown( locale );

// The menu items definitions.
const definition = [
		id: 'menu_1',
		menu: 'Menu 1',
		children: [
				id: 'menu_1_a',
				label: 'Item A'
				id: 'menu_1_b',
				label: 'Item B'
		id: 'top_a',
		label: 'Top Item A'
		id: 'top_b',
		label: 'Top Item B'

addMenuToDropdown( menuDropdown, body, definition );


document.getElementById( 'menu-dropdown' ).append( menuDropdown.element );

# Split button

Besides the standard button, you can also use the split button for a dropdown. It has two clickable sections: one for the main action and a second for expanding the dropdown with more options.

import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const bold = new ButtonView();
const italic = new ButtonView();

bold.set( { label: 'Bold', withText: false, icon: icons.bold  } );
italic.set( { label: 'Italic', withText: false, icon: icons.italic  } );

const buttons = [ bold, italic ];

const splitButtonDropdown = createDropdown( locale, SplitButtonView );
addToolbarToDropdown( splitButtonDropdown, buttons);
splitButtonDropdown.buttonView.set ( {
	label: 'Split button dropdown',
	withText: true
} );

document.getElementById( 'dropdown-split-button' ).append( buttonDropdown.element );

# States

Dropdowns use buttons. Because of that, states and properties remain the same.

# Enabled

Buttons in dropdowns are enabled and clickable by default. You can also set the state explicitly by adding the isEnabled property with a true value.

import { createDropdown, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const enabledDropdown = createDropdown( locale );
enabledDropdown.buttonView.set( {
	label: 'Enabled state',
	isEnabled: true,
	withText: true
} );

document.getElementById( 'dropdown-enabled' ).append( enabledDropdown.element );

# Disabled

To disable a button, set the isEnabled property to false. It prevents the dropdown from being expanded.

import { createDropdown, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const disabledDropdown = createDropdown( locale );
disabledDropdown.buttonView.set( {
	label: 'Disabled state',
	isEnabled: false,
	withText: true
} );

document.getElementById( 'dropdown-disabled' ).append( disabledDropdown.element );

# Dialog

A dialog window is a draggable pop-up that you can display on top of the editor contents. It remains open when the user interacts with the editing area. You can use it to display any detached UI. Dialogs are brought by the Dialog plugin.

// Necessary imports. Remember to install the packages first.
import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

// Create a plugin that brings a button that toggles the visibility of a dialog window.
// Read more about creating the plugins here:
class MinimalisticDialog extends Plugin {
	// Make sure the "Dialog" plugin is loaded.
	get requires() {
		return [ Dialog ];

	init() {
		// Add a button to the component factory so it is available for the editor.
		this.editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'showDialog', locale => {
			const buttonView = new ButtonView( locale );

			buttonView.set( {
				label: 'Show a dialog',
				tooltip: true,
				withText: true
			} );

			// Define the button behavior on press.
			buttonView.on( 'execute', () => {
				const dialog = this.editor.plugins.get( 'Dialog' );

				// If the button is turned on, hide the dialog.
				if ( buttonView.isOn ) {
					buttonView.isOn = false;


				buttonView.isOn = true;

				// Otherwise, show the dialog.
				// Create a view with some simple content. It will be displayed as a dialog's body.
				const textView = new View( locale );

				textView.setTemplate( {
					tag: 'div',
					attributes: {
						style: {
							padding: 'var(--ck-spacing-large)',
							whiteSpace: 'initial',
							width: '100%',
							maxWidth: '500px'
						tabindex: -1
					children: [
						'This is the content of the dialog.',
						'You can put here text, images, inputs, buttons, etc.'
				} );

				// Tell the plugin to display a dialog with the title, content, and one action button. {
					title: 'Dialog with text',
					content: textView,
					actionButtons: [
							label: 'OK',
							class: 'ck-button-action',
							withText: true,
							onExecute: () => dialog.hide()
					onHide() { buttonView.isOn = false; }
				} );
			} );

			return buttonView;
		} );

// Create an editor instance. Remember to have an element with the `[id="editor"]` attribute in the document.
	.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
		licenseKey: '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>', // Or 'GPL'.
		plugins: [ Essentials, Paragraph, Bold, Italic, MinimalisticDialog, Dialog ],
		toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'showDialog' ]
	} )
	.catch( error => {
		console.error( error.stack );
	} );

See the guide about the API of the dialog system.

Modal is a specific kind of dialog window. While open, it does not allow to interact with the editor content – it has to be closed first. You can use a modal to enforce the user interaction or interrupt them in some important situations.

To create a modal, use the optional isModal property of the Dialog#show() method.

// Necessary imports. Remember to install the packages first.
import {
} from 'ckeditor5';

// Create a plugin that brings a button which toggles the visibility of a modal window.
// Read more about creating the plugins here:
class MinimalisticModal extends Plugin {
	// Make sure the "Dialog" plugin is loaded.
	get requires() {
		return [ Dialog ];

	init() {
		// Add a button to the component factory so it is available for the editor.
		this.editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'showModal', locale => {
			const buttonView = new ButtonView( locale );

			buttonView.set( {
				label: 'Show a modal',
				tooltip: true,
				withText: true
			} );

			// Define the button behavior on press.
			buttonView.on( 'execute', () => {
				const dialog = this.editor.plugins.get( 'Dialog' );

				// If the button is turned on, hide the modal.
				if ( buttonView.isOn ) {
					buttonView.isOn = false;


				buttonView.isOn = true;

				// Otherwise, show the modal.
				// First, create a view with some simple content. It will be displayed as the dialog's body.
				const textView = new View( locale );

				textView.setTemplate( {
					tag: 'div',
					attributes: {
						style: {
							padding: 'var(--ck-spacing-large)',
							whiteSpace: 'initial',
							width: '100%',
							maxWidth: '500px'
						tabindex: -1
					children: [
						'This is a sample content of the modal.',
						'You can put here text, images, inputs, buttons, etc.'
				} );

				// Tell the plugin to display a modal with the title, content, and one action button. {
					isModal: true,
					title: 'Modal with text',
					content: textView,
					actionButtons: [
							label: 'OK',
							class: 'ck-button-action',
							withText: true,
							onExecute: () => dialog.hide()
					onHide() { buttonView.isOn = false; }
				} );
			} );

			return buttonView;
		} );

// Create an editor instance. Remember to have an element with the `[id="editor"]` attribute in the document.
	.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
		licenseKey: '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>', // Or 'GPL'.
		plugins: [ Essentials, Paragraph, Bold, Italic, MinimalisticDialog, Dialog ],
		toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'showModal' ]
	} )
	.catch( error => {
		console.error( error.stack );
	} );

See the guide about the API of the dialog system.

# Icons

The CKEditor 5 library has a collection of icons representing different editor functionalities. Icons are SVG files and follow the style of the surrounding text. You can instantiate an icon with the IconView class. The content property stores the SVG source of the icon.

import { icons, IconView } from 'ckeditor5';

const icon = new IconView();

icon.content = icons.bold;

document.getElementById( 'icon-bold' ).append( icon.element );

CKEditor 5 features use different icons. You can find them in their respective packages. Here is a list of all available icons.

import { icons } from 'ckeditor5';

console.log( icons.bold );
console.log( icons.italic );
console.log( icons.underline );
console.log( icons.code );
console.log( icons.strikethrough );
console.log( icons.subscript );
console.log( icons.superscript );

console.log( icons.browserFiles );

console.log( icons.codeBlock );

console.log( icons.cancel );
console.log( icons.caption );
console.log( icons.check );
console.log( icons.cog );
console.log( icons.eraser );
console.log( icons.lowVision );
console.log( icons.textAlternative );
console.log( icons.image );
console.log( icons.alignBottom );
console.log( icons.alignMiddle );
console.log( icons.alignTop );
console.log( icons.alignLeft );
console.log( icons.alignCenter );
console.log( icons.alignRight );
console.log( icons.alignJustify );
console.log( icons.objectLeft );
console.log( icons.objectCenter );
console.log( icons.objectRight );
console.log( icons.objectFullWidth );
console.log( icons.objectInline );
console.log( icons.objectBlockLeft );
console.log( icons.objectBlockRight );
console.log( icons.objectFullSize );
console.log( icons.objectSizeLarge );
console.log( icons.objectSizeSmall );
console.log( icons.objectSizeMedium );
console.log( icons.pencil );
console.log( icons.pilcrow );
console.log( icons.quote );
console.log( icons.threeVerticalDots );

console.log( icons.fontFamily );
console.log( icons.fontSize );
console.log( icons.fontColor );
console.log( icons.fontBackground );

console.log( icons.heading1 );
console.log( icons.heading2 );
console.log( icons.heading3 );
console.log( icons.heading4 );
console.log( icons.heading5 );
console.log( icons.heading6 );

console.log( icons.indent );
console.log( icons.outdent );

console.log( icons.marker );
console.log( icons.pen );

console.log( icons.html );

console.log( );
console.log( icons.unlink );

console.log( icons.bulletedList );
console.log( icons.numberedList );
console.log( icons.todoList );

console.log( );

console.log( icons.pageBreak );

console.log( icons.paragraph );

console.log( icons.removeFormat );

console.log( icons.contentLock );
console.log( icons.contentUnlock );

console.log( icons.selectAll );

console.log( icons.sourceEditing );

console.log( icons.specialCharacters );

console.log( icons.table );
console.log( icons.tableRow );
console.log( icons.tableColumn );
console.log( icons.tableMergeCell );
console.log( icons.tableCellProperties );
console.log( icons.tableProperties );

console.log( icons.nextArrow );
console.log( icons.previousArrow );

console.log( icons.undo );
console.log( icons.redo );

console.log( icons.history );
console.log( icons.loupe );

You can also add a custom icon to the dropdown by providing the entire XML string of the icon

# Input

The CKEditor 5 UI library contains some input elements. Usually, they are used in dropdowns and balloon panels, but you can also use them in the main toolbar.

To create them, use the LabeledFieldView class, which takes two parameters:

  • An instance of the locale class.
  • A helper function, depending on the type of field you want to create.

# Text

To create a text field, pass the createLabeledInputText() helper function as the second parameter to the LabeledFieldView class.

import { createLabeledInputText, LabeledFieldView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const textInput = new LabeledFieldView( locale, createLabeledInputText );
textInput.set( { label: 'Text input', value: 'Value of the input' } );

document.getElementById( 'input-text' ).append( textInput.element );

# Number

To create a number field, pass the createLabeledInputNumber() helper function as the second parameter to the LabeledFieldView class.

import { createLabeledInputNumber, LabeledFieldView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const numberInput = new LabeledFieldView( locale, createLabeledInputNumber );
numberInput.set( { label: 'Number input', value: 'Value of the input' } );

document.getElementById( 'input-number' ).append( numberInput.element );

# States

Similarly to buttons, inputs can be enabled or disabled. The property names remain the same.

# Enabled

Inputs are enabled by default. You can also set the state explicitly by adding the isEnabled property with a true value.

import { createLabeledInputText, LabeledFieldView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const enabledInput = new LabeledFieldView( locale, createLabeledInputText );
enabledInput.set( { label: 'Enabled state', isEnabled: true } );

document.getElementById( 'input-enabled' ).append( enabledInput.element );

# Disabled

To disable an input, set the isEnabled property to false. It prevents the input from getting users’ data.

import { createLabeledInputText, LabeledFieldView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const disabledInput = new LabeledFieldView( locale, createLabeledInputText );
disabledInput.set( { label: 'Disabled state', isEnabled: false } );

document.getElementById( 'input-disabled' ).append( disabledInput.element );

A search component allows you to filter a list of items based on a specified query. It consists of several components and interfaces:

  • To create it, use the main SearchTextView class.
  • The queryView property allows the user to enter the search query.
  • The infoView property displays additional information about the search results.
  • The filteredView is a view filtered by the search query. Remember to specify the filter() and focus() methods for this view.

Some sub-components and classes that can help with better presentation of the results:

import { ListView, SearchTextView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const filteredView = new ListView();
filteredView.filter = () => {
	return {
		resultsCount: 1,
		totalItemsCount: 5

const searchView = new SearchTextView( locale, {
	queryView: {
		label: 'Label'
} );


document.querySelector( '.ui-search' ).append( searchView.element );

Check out the AI Assistant feature to see how all the UI pieces work together in a more complex setup.

# Spinner

You can use a spinner to indicate some loading process. There is only one essential property here – isVisible. As the name suggests, it controls whether the component is visible. The default is false.

import { SpinnerView } from 'ckeditor5';

const spinner = new SpinnerView();

spinner.set( { isVisible: true } );

document.querySelector( '.ui-spinner' ).append( spinner.element );

# Textarea

The textarea is a component for inserting long blocks of text. You can specify the visible height of the component using the minRows property. Specify the maxRows property if you do not want the component to exceed a certain height. Textarea dimensions do not need to be fixed, and you can allow users to change them with the resize option. By default, the property is set to 'none', and resizing is not allowed.

import { TextareaView } from 'ckeditor5';

const textarea = new TextareaView();

textarea.set( {
	minRows: 4,
	maxRows: 10,
	resize: 'horizontal'
} );

document.querySelector( '.ui-textarea' ).append( textarea.element );

# Toolbar

A toolbar is a base for other components. Usually, you would put other UI elements inside it. It can also be nested inside a balloon or dropdown. You can use the ToolbarView class to instantiate a toolbar.

# Text

You can put different UI elements inside a toolbar. A simple text node is one example. You can use the items property to add a component to a toolbar.

import { ToolbarView, View,	Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const text = new View();
text.element = document.createTextNode( 'Toolbar text' );

const toolbarText = new ToolbarView( locale );
toolbarText.items.add( text );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-text' ).append( toolbarText.element );

# Button

You can place any previously listed button inside a toolbar.

import { ButtonView, ToolbarView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const button = new ButtonView();
button.set( { label: 'Button', withText: true } );

const toolbarButton = new ToolbarView( locale );
toolbarButton.items.add( button );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-button' ).append( toolbarButton.element );

# Wrap

A toolbar automatically wraps if you add more items and the space is limited.

import { ButtonView, ToolbarView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

function createButton() {
	const button = new ButtonView();
	button.set( { label: 'Button', withText: true } );
	return button;

const buttons = [ createButton(), createButton(), createButton() ];

const toolbarWrap = new ToolbarView( locale );
buttons.forEach( button => toolbarWrap.items.add( button ) );
toolbarWrap.render(); = '150px';

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-wrap' ).append( toolbarWrap.element );

# Separator

You can divide toolbar elements with a separator to create logically connected groups. To instantiate a separator, use the ToolbarSeparatorView class. Adding the created instance between desired components will separate them visually.

import { ButtonView, ToolbarSeparatorView, ToolbarView,	Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

function createButton() {
	const button = new ButtonView();
	button.set( { label: 'Button', withText: true } );
	return button;

const separator = new ToolbarSeparatorView();

const items = [ createButton(), separator, createButton() ];

const toolbarSeparator = new ToolbarView( locale );
items.forEach( item => toolbarSeparator.items.add( item ) );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-separator' ).append( toolbarSeparator.element );

# Multi-row

By default, a toolbar has one row. However, it can span into multiple rows. You can instantiate a line break with the ToolbarLineBreakView class. Adding the created instance after a desired component will place the following UI elements into the next row.

import { ButtonView, ToolbarLineBreakView, ToolbarView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

function createButton() {
	const button = new ButtonView();
	button.set( { label: 'Button', withText: true } );
	return button;

const newLine = new ToolbarLineBreakView( locale );

const items = [ createButton(), newLine, createButton() ];

const toolbarMultiRow = new ToolbarView( locale );
items.forEach( item => toolbarMultiRow.items.add( item ) );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-multirow' ).append( toolbarMultiRow.element );

# Compact

There is also a smaller version of a toolbar. To get a compact toolbar, set the isCompact property to true.

import { ButtonView, ToolbarView, Locale } from 'ckeditor5';

const locale = new Locale();

const button = new ButtonView();
button.set( { label: 'Button', withText: true } );

const toolbarCompact = new ToolbarView( locale );
toolbarCompact.isCompact = true;
toolbarCompact.items.add( button );

document.getElementById( 'toolbar-compact' ).append( toolbarCompact.element );