Plugins and HTML output
Listed below are all official CKEditor 5 packages as well as some partner packages together with their possible HTML output. If a plugin generates a different HTML output depending on its configuration, it is described in the “HTML output” column.
The classes, styles or attributes applied to an HTML element are all possible results. It does not mean they all will always be used.
is a generic structural element that may contain textual content. Features like headings or paragraph implement it to inherit common behaviours. You can read more about it in the Schema guide.
If a given plugin does not generate any output, the “HTML output” is described as “None”. Wildcard character *
means any value is possible.
The data used to generate the following tables comes from the package metadata. You can read more about it in the package metadata guide.
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-adapter-ckfinder/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
CKFinder upload adapter | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Alignment | <$block style="text-align:*"> By default, the alignment feature uses the |
<$block class="*"> If |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-autoformat/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Autoformat | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-autosave/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Autosave | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Bold | <strong> |
Code | <code> |
Italic | <i> |
Strikethrough | <s> |
Subscript | <sub> |
Superscript | <sup> |
Underline | <u> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Block quote | <blockquote> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckbox/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
CKBox | <a data-ckbox-resource-id="*"> <figure data-ckbox-resource-id="*"> <img data-ckbox-resource-id="*"> If |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
CKFinder | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Cloud Services | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Code blocks | <pre> |
<code class="language-*"> By default, the language of the code block is represented as a CSS class prefixed by | |
<code class="*"> The CSS class name can be customized via the |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-comments/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Comments | <comment |
<comment-end name="*"> <comment-start name="*"> | |
<* The plugin adds the |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-easy-image/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Easy Image | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Essentials | <br> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-export-pdf/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Export to PDF | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-export-word/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Export to Word | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-find-and-replace/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Find and replace | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-font/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Font background color | <span style="background-color:*"> |
Font color | <span style="color:*"> |
Font size | <span class="text-tiny text-small text-big text-huge"> If the |
<span style="font-size:*"> If the | |
<* The plugin can be configured to return any element with any classes and any inline styles. | |
Font family | <span style="font-family:*"> By default, the font family feature uses the |
<* The plugin can be configured to return any element with any classes and any inline styles. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Title | <h1> |
Heading | <h2> <h3> <h4> HTML element may contain classes, styles or attributes, that are created by other plugins, which alter the This element inherits all attributes, classes and styles that are allowed on the |
<*> The plugin can be configured to return any element name as a heading. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-highlight/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Highlight | <mark class="marker-yellow marker-green marker-pink marker-blue pen-red pen-green"> By default, this plugin has 4 markers and 2 pens preconfigured. |
<mark class="*"> The plugin can be configured to set any classes on the |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-horizontal-line/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Horizontal line | <hr> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
HTML embed | <div class="raw-html-embed"> |
<* The plugin can output any arbitrary HTML provided by the user. That HTML is always wrapped with a |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
General HTML Support | <* The plugin can output any arbitrary HTML configured by config.htmlSupport option. |
Data filter | <* The plugin can output any arbitrary HTML depending on its configuration. |
Data schema | None. |
HTML comment | The plugin can output HTML comments that were added from the editor inital data or by the plugin API. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-image/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Auto image | None. |
Block image | <figure class="image"> |
<img | |
Inline image | <img |
Image | None. |
Image caption | <figcaption> |
Image resize | <figure |
Image style | <figure class="image-style-side image-style-align-left image-style-align-right image-style-block-align-center image-style-block-align-left image-style-block-align-right"> |
<figure class="*"> The plugin can be configured to set any class names on the | |
Image toolbar | None. |
Image upload | None. |
Image insert | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-import-word/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Import from Word | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Indent | None. |
Indent block | <$block style="margin-left:*; margin-right:*"> By default, the plugin uses inline styles for indentation. |
<$block class="*"> If classes are defined in |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-language/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Text part language | <span |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-link/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Autolink | None. |
Link | <a href="*"> |
<a If | |
<a The plugin can be configured to set any classes, styles or attributes on the | |
Link image | <a href="*"> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-list/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
List | <ol> <ul> |
<li> HTML element may contain classes, styles or attributes, that are created by other plugins, which alter the | |
To-do list | <ul class="todo-list"> |
<li> | |
<label class="todo-list__label"> | |
<span class="todo-list__label__description"> | |
<input | |
List properties | <ol <ul |
Document list | <ol> <ul> |
<li> | |
Document list properties | <ol <ul |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Markdown | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Media embed | <figure class="media"> |
<oembed url="*"> If | |
<div data-oembed-url="*"> If | |
<* url="*"> If | |
<div style="height:*; padding-bottom:*; position:*"> If | |
<iframe If | |
<* The plugin can be configured to return any element with any class, inline style, and attribute, via | |
Media embed toolbar | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-mention/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Mention | <span |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-minimap/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Content minimap | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-page-break/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Page break | <div |
<span style="display:*"> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-pagination/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Pagination | <* When using |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Paragraph | <p> HTML element may contain classes, styles or attributes, that are created by other plugins, which alter the This element inherits all attributes, classes and styles that are allowed on the |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Paste from Office | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-real-time-collaboration/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Presence list | None. |
Real-time collaborative comments | None. |
Real-time collaborative editing | None. |
Real-time collaborative track changes | None. |
Real-time collaborative revision history | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-remove-format/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Remove format | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-restricted-editing/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Restricted editing mode | <span class="restricted-editing-exception"> |
Standard editing mode | <span class="restricted-editing-exception"> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-revision-history/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Revision History | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-source-editing/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Source editing | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-special-characters/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Special characters | None. |
Special characters essentials | None. |
Special characters arrows | None. |
Special characters currency | None. |
Special characters latin | None. |
Special characters mathematical | None. |
Special characters text | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-style/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Style | <* class="*"> The plugin can output any arbitrary HTML depending on its configuration. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-table/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Table | <figure class="table"> |
<table> <thead> <tbody> <tr> | |
<td <th | |
Table cell properties | <td style="background-color:*; border:*; border-*:*; height:*; padding:*; text-align:*; vertical-align:*; width:*"> <th style="background-color:*; border:*; border-*:*; height:*; padding:*; text-align:*; vertical-align:*; width:*"> |
Table properties | <figure style="float:*; height:*; width:*"> |
<table style="background-color:*; border:*; border-*:*"> | |
Table toolbar | None. |
Table caption | <figcaption data-placeholder="*"> |
Table column resize | <colgroup> |
<col style="width:*"> |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-track-changes/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Track changes | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Text transformation | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Block toolbar | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Base64 upload adapter | None. |
Simple upload adapter | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-watchdog/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Watchdog | None. |
Source file: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-word-count/ckeditor5-metadata.json
Plugin | HTML output |
Word count | None. |
Source file: not published yet
Plugin | HTML output |
MathType | <* *="*"> For a complete list of available MathML element and attribute names, visit MDN Web Docs for MathML. |
Source file: not published yet
Plugin | HTML output |
WProofreader | None. |
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