I've found a lot of plugins for Youtube. Most of them require you to copy paste the html snippet from the youtube links. Found an edit of the existing flash plugin to add full youtube links, but it looks messed up.
So what i did is took the ideas and combined them. I've changed the existing Youtube plugin that asks for html snippets to support full youtube links. So now u can just copy paste an entire link and the plugin will insert an embedded youtube player in your page.
Could someone give me some feedback on this?
The project page is here for now: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ckeditoryoutube/
You can find the plugin download on the project page or take it from the attachment.
I'm new to this so any feedback would be welcome!
Roderik Latruwe
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 06:37
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
Hi Roderik,
and thumbs up for the next revision. Thanks again for posting it!
thanks a lot for for your implementation and for sharing it with the CKEditor community.
I downloaded your code and gave it a quick test. The plugin works, so congratulations on that
My first comment: it would be nice to be able to download the uncompressed source code in the development phase as its production form does not look too readable, especially if you want to encourage others to check and comment it.
Second thing: the dialog window states: "Please copy and paste the Youtube URL here", but in YouTube's case it is not entirely clear which URL you really mean: the one from the browser's address bar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXX), the "Share" link (http://youtu.be/XXXXXX) or the "Embed" code/link (<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y4AFfpytCWU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>). Different YouTube solutions available not just for CKEditor, but for various forum/blog etc. engines require different approaches and end-users might be confused as to what you really mean.
As for the dialog window, why make it so huge? I see no reason for a dialog window that just contains one text field to be bigger than standard CKEditor dialog windows.
The text field is also missing the type="text" declaration and so the cursor is wrong.
Last but not least, the plugin does not support editing an already pasted YouTube video -- both the context menu and the double-click action opens the IFrame Properties dialog window and not your custom YouTube plugin dialog window. This may or may not be the desired behaviour, depending on your purpose.
Finally, the official spelling is "YouTube", so I would recommend sticking to that.
Just my two cents
Documentation Manager, CKSource
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Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
As i'm new to this i'll have to look into how to make sure to edit the link when u double click the iframe.
But i'm sure i'll figure it out. Great feedback, do u mind if i send u a PM or if i have contact with u with skype or msn or whatever? There is a few questions i have about your questions.
But for the improvements, i'll look into them in the morning. I'm in Vietnam now for my internship for my last year IT application development. I'm here untill June 14th. Internet connection is bad here compared to europe, but i'll look into it and upload the newer version.
Roderik Latruwe
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
Can u tell me how to make it that when u double click the iframe that you'll enter the Youtube dialog again?
The reason i don't reply that fast is because i'm working on a easy to use media plugin for CKeditor too.
One that uses IMCE and shadowbox.
Roderik Latruwe
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
Ok her is my other plugin i have been working on:

i'll add another version of the plugin as this one is made for easy use for the people in this office. I'll post another version with automatic icons
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
So i'm back in Belgium now and saw the youtube plugin had over 1.7k downloads. Really happy about that but still i want to improve the plugin. So if there is any comment pls leave it!
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
I noticed that the plugin button was not visible in Firefox 8.0.1 in the toolbar and I had to undergo the following steps to have it working:
0) please do include a small readme in your tar-file how to install and integrate the plugin (maybe with a small info how to add language codes
1) as everything seems to be casesensitive, I defined the toolbar entry in small letter:
2) I took care that all mentions of 'youtube' in plugin.js where in small letters:
3) as the image-file youtube.png was not recognized in Firefox (other plugins also do not use png as far as I checked), I converted youtube.png to youtube.jpg and replaced youtube.png with youtube.jpg in the plugin.js
Now I got it to work.
Cheers, Connie
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
I checked the files which are contained in your package and I have some points:
the language file uk.js is really wrong
it points to vimeo and to english language!
the image youtube_large.png is too large! I modifiedit for my purposes to a width of 140px.
I modified the youtube.js so you get a smaller dialogue window with a smaller image:
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
Its not working w/ the new url addressing scheme that YouTube provides.
Example: http://youtu.be/Qdoe_gI_fSs
Weird how they have changed this.
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
I have many many tried youtube plugin use in my latest version.
and also implement. doesn't load plugin.
anyone help me or send me complete script for ckeditor
Thanks in advance
Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
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Re: Youtube Plugin CKeditor
you can now put sharing address like.. http://youtu.be/9eYTgSGbb_M .. and popup box resizing and small logo..