guideKeyboard shortcuts

CKBox supports an extensive set of keyboard shortcuts to make common operations faster and more effective. Keyboard navigation between categories, folders, and individual assets as well as keyboard support for operations such as copying, moving, or deletion of items is a convenient alternative also for users who cannot use pointer devices.

Below is a list of the most important keystrokes supported by CKBox.

# Asset operations

Action PC Mac
Navigate between assets / / /
Go to the next asset
(retaining focus on the currently selected)
Select multiple assets Shift + / / /
Ctrl + LMB Cmd + LMB
Select a range of assets
(from the focused one to the clicked one)
Select all assets Ctrl + A Cmd + A
Open the selected item to view in fullscreen mode
(in standalone file manager mode)
Insert the selected item into the editor
(when integrated with CKEditor 5)
Close fullscreen view Escape
Copy selected asset(s) Ctrl + C Cmd + C
Cut selected asset(s) Ctrl + X Cmd + X
Paste asset(s) Ctrl + V Cmd + V
Delete selected asset(s) Delete Cmd + Backspace

# Category and folder operations

Action PC Mac
Navigate between categories or folders /
Go to the next category or folder
(retaining focus on the currently selected)
Expand or collapse a highlighted category or folder /
Enter the focused category or folder Enter

# Other shortcuts

Action PC Mac
Invoke the search panel Ctrl+F Cmd+F
Run search for the entered phrase Enter
Discard changes and leave editing tools without saving
Leave the save dialog and return to editing tools
(in image editing mode)