Word Count & Char Count Plugin
WordCount Plugin for CKEditor that counts the words an shows the word count in the footer of the editor.
Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
If building a new editor using the CKBuilder from http://ckeditor.com/, there is no need to follow numbers steps below. If adding the Word Count & Char Count plugin to an already established CKEditor, follow the numbered steps below.
1. Download the Word Count & Char Count plugin from http://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/wordcount or https://github.com/w8tcha/CKEditor-WordCount-Plugin. This will download a folder named **wordcount_*version*.zip** or **CKEditor-WordCount-Plugin-master.zip** to your Downloads folder.
2. Download the Notification plugin from http://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/notification. This will download a folder named **notification_*version*.zip** to your Downloads folder.
3. Extract the .zip folders for both the Word Count & Char Count and Notification plugin. After extraction, you should have a folder named **wordcount** and a folder named **notification**.
4. Move the wordcount folder to /web/server/root/ckeditor/plugins/. Move the notification folder to /web/server/root/ckeditor/plugins/.
5. Add the following line of text to the config.js file, which is located at /web/server/root/ckeditor/.
config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount,notification';
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount,notification';
config.toolbar [
et cetera . . .
There now should be text in the bottom right-hand corner of your CKEditor which counts the number of Paragraphs and number of Words in your CKEditor.
To modify the behavior of the Word Count & Char Count text at the bottom right-hand corner of your CKEditor, add the following text to your config.js file located at /web/server/root/ckeditor/config.js
config.wordcount = {
// Whether or not you Show Remaining Count (if Maximum Word/Char/Paragraphs Count is set)
showRemaining: false,
// Whether or not you want to show the Paragraphs Count
showParagraphs: true,
// Whether or not you want to show the Word Count
showWordCount: true,
// Whether or not you want to show the Char Count
showCharCount: false,
// Whether or not you want to Count Bytes as Characters (needed for Multibyte languages such as Korean and Chinese)
countBytesAsChars: false,
// Whether or not you want to count Spaces as Chars
countSpacesAsChars: false,
// Whether or not to include Html chars in the Char Count
countHTML: false,
// Whether or not to include Line Breaks in the Char Count
countLineBreaks: false,
// Whether or not to prevent entering new Content when limit is reached.
hardLimit: true,
// Whether or not to to Warn only When limit is reached. Otherwise content above the limit will be deleted on paste or entering
warnOnLimitOnly: false,
// Maximum allowed Word Count, -1 is default for unlimited
maxWordCount: -1,
// Maximum allowed Char Count, -1 is default for unlimited
maxCharCount: -1,
// Maximum allowed Paragraphs Count, -1 is default for unlimited
maxParagraphs: -1,
// How long to show the 'paste' warning, 0 is default for not auto-closing the notification
pasteWarningDuration: 0,
// Add filter to add or remove element before counting (see CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter), Default value : null (no filter)
filter: new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter({
elements: {
div: function( element ) {
if(element.attributes.class == 'mediaembed') {
return false;
Note: If you plan to change some of the JavaScript, you probably will not want to use the CKBuilder, because this will place the JavaScript of the Word Count & Char Count plugin in the ckeditor.js file located at /web/server/root/ckeditor/ckeditor.js. The JavaScript for the Word Count & Char Count plugin in the ckeditor.js file is different than the JavaScript used when manually adding the Word Count & Char Count plugin. When manually adding the Word Count & Char Count plugin, the JavaScript will be in the plugin.js file located at
If you want to query the current wordcount you can do it via
If you want to query the current wordcount you can do it via
// get the word count
// get the char count
Plugin versions | CKEditor versions | |||
4.25 | 4.24 | 4.23 | ||
Version: 1.17.10 |