The BootstrapCK-Skin is a skin based on Twitter Bootstrap styles.
Demo + Download
1. Extract the contents of the file into the "skins" folder of CKEditor.
2. In the CKEditor configuration file (config.js) add the following: = 'BootstrapCK-Skin';
For smiley and browse button fixes, follow the About section on the demopage or on Github:
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
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If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Removed it,
thanks for the heads up!
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Really good idea has come into someone`s mind!
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
The skin looks great! I've been trying to use it but it doesn't load. I've tried changing the config to use the v2 skin included and that works fine on the sample pages, but with Bootstrap it doesn't. My config is:
The error IE8 gives is below - any ideas what the problem is?
All the best
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Could you post a link to an example page?
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Hi Indri
Thanks for the reply. It is currently on a test page before I use the setup on a working site. You could try this page: ... class.html
I found on another thread(viewtopic.php?t=25441) someone with a similar t=C3HA5RM error that changed their file permissions and got it working, but I've opened everything up through the FTP to no avail.
EDIT: Just tried with the "Slick" skin and it loaded OK, only seems to be the Bootstrap skin it doesn't like.
EDIT 2: WORKING! It was so simply its rather annoying. I'ld literally copied the folder over. So it was all in a folder called "Kunstmaan-BootstrapCK-Skin-4bee760" Changed it to the name uin the config ("BootstrapCK-Skin") and it works fine!
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Glad you figured it out! Personally it's one of my favorites atm, but that might change once the site gets revamped and skins/plugins get their own sections.
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
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If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Also, what license are you releasing the skin under?
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Ok, so you had 10 years to create the site using standards mode instead of quirks.
All that time has passed by and you still keep using Quirks and instead of assuming that you must update your code you pretend that other people keep working for free for you by doubling their job and providing compatibility with quirks mode.
Yeah, sure!
Let's keep forever the double of effort in all libraries because there are some companies unwilling to update.
Re: BootstrapCK-Skin
Just a reminder that we have a CKEditor 4 Skin Contest! You can easily update and submit your skin for a chance to win $1000. Make sure you follow the submission guidelines.
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
Not working with CKEditor4
This skin does not seem to be compatible with CKEditor4's new API.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'add' of undefined
The CKEDITOR.skins.add function has been removed.
browser reqest file editor_gecko.css
Help me! browser request file editor_gecko.css. What to do?