I have a line of code such as:
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline(document.getElementById(currentId));
This converts the element into an instance of CKEditor as expected, but in Google Chrome I cannot edit the element and all of my buttons on the CKEditor toolbar are disabled.
Browsers tested:
Chrome - Version 26.0.1410.64 m
Firefox - 20.0.1
IE - 10.0.9200.16540
Why not follow this guide
Why not follow this guide instead:
I did follow the guide. I
I did follow the guide. I have autoinline set to false, and then I programmatically create inline elements.
This works in IE and in Firefox. In Chrome it creates the editor object, but everything is disabled.
I've discovered through some manual inspection that Chrome ends up with the element's 'contenteditable' attribute set to false, whereas IE and Firefox end up with it set to true.
Even manually setting it to true with Chrome's developer tools does not exactly fix its behaviour.
Well, I figured it out,
Well, I figured it out, though it wasn't fun. IE and Firefox do not care about the visibility of the div or containing divs when creating the CKEditor object. Chrome does. I had to make sure the div and it's parent divs were visible before adding the inline CKEDITOR instance. Now it works as expected.
RE: Well, I figured it out,
Thanks, I was struggling witth that one and the css display fixed it
Thanks for this!
Has this ever been fixed in CK editor? I have a hidden div that is used in a model box in our application and it is spitting it's dummy in chrome due to this. (looking at having to re-write a whole section of my appliaction in order to get this working, which I am attempting to avoid)
Is there any way we can force CKEditor to stay ContentEditable=true' for chrome browsers?
It's still confirmed here.
It's still confirmed here.
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
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If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
i have this problem but it
i have this problem but it solved
issue still remains
Hi Guys,
I have a page that holds a profile, the edit fields are hidden (display: none), I have multiple div's used as an inline editor, when I click on the edit profile button, the fields appear, even the toolbar is created, but the contenteditable is set to false.
When create a profile (fields are visible by default), all is functioning correct.
So I know it has something to do with the display none of the parent div.
Can this be resolved by simply added the script to create the inline editors when the parent div is visible?