Hi All,
Ckeditor version :4.3.1
I have a allowedContent: true, property value in config.js, in this scenario i got all buttons in UIPage(see attached screen shot: AllPlugins.png) but when i replaced allowedContent: true with allowedContent: {'b i ul ol big small h1 h2 h3 p li': true}, then i got only those buttons(see attached screen shot : Only Some plugins are came.png)
I don't know why its happening,can any one help me out.
Thanks in advance.
This is a correct behaviour.
This is a correct behaviour. Only features which are allowed by ACF rules are enabled. Read more in the Advanced Content Filter guide.
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
CKSource - http://cksource.com
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But here I want enable ACF with all toolbars
Hello reinmar,
Thanks for your reply
But here I want enable ACF with all toolbars
But what's the point in
But what's the point in enabling all buttons in the toolbar if ACF will strip content created using them when loading data to editor. It doesn't make sense, so I think that you meant only pasting. It's not yet easy to achieve this at the moment, to have different ACF settings for editor in general and pasting. However, there's a ticket http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11621 and pretty high chance that this feature will be introduced in the near future.
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
CKSource - http://cksource.com
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My Issue is
Actually my issue here http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11667#comment:1
As per ckeditor people suggested me like upgrade a new version which i have taken Ckeditor 4.3.1 full version ,here also i got same issue but this issue is not with 4.3.1 standard version