I have a problem with SCAYT plugin. Our page use custom value for document.domain and there is following code in the https://svc.webspellchecker.net/scayt26/_base.xd.js:
var html="javascript:void(0)"; var _69b=_4.doc.createElement("iframe"); _4.attr(_69b,{hidefocus:"true",frameborder:"0",src:html}); _4.body().appendChild(_69b); _69b.contentWindow.document.open(); _69b.contentWindow.document.write("<html><head></head><body> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> scayt=parent.scayt;scayt.iframeOnLoad() </script></body></html>"); _69b.contentWindow.document.close();
(I removed some lines that actually doesn't case this bug).
So, it creates blank iframe (with src = javascript:void(0)). And after that calls iframe.contentWindow.document methods. But there is a known issue in the IE that iframe with blank src won't work if document.domain is set in the parent page (see workarounds here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14715427/cant-access-an-aboutblank-iframe-in-ie-after-the-document-domain-changes). Access to iframe.contentWindow.document crashes with "access is denied" message.
Are there any way to receive js from webspellchecker with support for custom document.domain?
I think you could ask here:
I think you could ask here: https://github.com/WebSpellChecker/ckeditor-plugin-scayt. SCAYT is a 3rd party plugin, so I don't know the answer.
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
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