guideRevision history

The revision history feature is a document versioning tool. It allows CKEditor 5 users to create and view the chronological revision history of their content. The preview mode allows for easy viewing of content development over time. You can review content changes as well as suggestions made with the track changes feature.

You can read more about it and see the demo on the Revision History product page. You can also compare Revision History with the track changes feature there.

Revision history with named revisions and marked changes in the CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor.

# Trial limitations

Please note that the trial version of this plugin, while keeping all the functions, only allows for limited use. Revision History in trial mode will work for a limited time and allow a limited number of revisions. Once these limits are reached, the editor will switch to read-only mode.

# Activating the revision history feature

Please refer to the Quick start guide for information on how to start using the revision history feature in your CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor build. The revision history feature is also available as a part of the real-time collaboration bundle.

# Setting up the editor

Please refer to the revision history integration guide for details on the further configuration of your build.

If you have any further comments or suggestions concerning this feature, please contact us and share them. We will be happy to hear your feedback!