CKFinder 3 Documentation




Toolbar item class describes toolbar items that are added to the toolbar on any CKFinder.Application.toolbar:reset:NAME:EVENT event. A toolbar item model extends Backbone.Model. To access its attributes, use the toolbarItem.get( "attributeName" ) method or use toolbarItem.set( "attributeName", "value" ) to alter its attributes.

There are 3 types of toolbar items:

  1. button – A standard button which can trigger some action.
  2. text – Displays a text message in the toolbar.
  3. custom – Displays any Marionette.View instance in the toolbar.
Defined By


: Function
A function to be invoked when a button is clicked. ...

A function to be invoked when a button is clicked. Used by the button type.

: String
Toolbar placement gravity. ...

Toolbar placement gravity. Toolbar items are aligned either to the primary side (left in LTR text direction) or the secondary side (right in LTR text direction).

Defaults to: 'primary'

: Boolean
If set to true, an item will always be rendered – it will not be hidden on small screens. ...

If set to true, an item will always be rendered – it will not be hidden on small screens.

Defaults to: false

: Object
Additional DOM attributes to be put on the toolbar button DOM object. ...

Additional DOM attributes to be put on the toolbar button DOM object. Used by the button type.

: String
Additional CSS class names to be put on a toolbar item. ...

Additional CSS class names to be put on a toolbar item. Used by the button and text type.

: String
An optional name of the toolbar button icon class without 'ui-icon-' part. ...

An optional name of the toolbar button icon class without 'ui-icon-' part. For icon class 'ui-icon-ckf-view' pass 'ckf-view' only. Used by the button type.

: Boolean
If set to true, a toolbar button will be rendered without the label. ...

If set to true, a toolbar button will be rendered without the label. Used by the button type.

Defaults to: false

: Boolean
Set to true to make a toolbar item render as disabled. ...

Set to true to make a toolbar item render as disabled. Used by the button and text type.

Defaults to: false

: String
An optional title of a toolbar button. ...

An optional title of a toolbar button. Used by the button and text type.

: String

The name of a toolbar item.

The name of a toolbar item.

: Number
Toolbar placement priority. ...

Toolbar placement priority. The higher priority, the closer an item will be placed to its gravity. For instance for toolbar items with priority=20 and priority=30 and alignment=primary, the toolbar item with priority=30 will be placed as the first item from left (in LTR text direction).

: String
A toolbar item type. ...

A toolbar item type. Default type is button, but other valid values are: custom and text. The custom type allows to pass any Marionette.View instance as a view parameter. The text type allows to display textual information passed as a label parameter.

Defaults to: 'button'

: Marionette.View
A view instance that should be rendered as a toolbar item. ...

A view instance that should be rendered as a toolbar item. Used by the custom type.