# Headings of various kinds ## h2 Heading ### h3 Heading #### h4 Heading ##### h5 Heading ## Various ways to create horizontal rules ___ --- *** ## Basic formatting **This is bold text** __This is bold text__ *This is italic text* _This is italic text_ ~~Strikethrough~~ ## Block quotes > Basic block quotes ## Lists Unordered lists + A list is created by starting a line with `+`, `-`, or `*`. + Indenting an item by two spaces will turn it into a sub-list. + That can be nested further: + Like this! Ordered lists 1. You can create ordered lists... 2. ...with sequential numbers... 3. ...incrementing by 1. 1. Or you can just use 1... 1. ...for all the items. ## Code formatting This covers either inline `code`... ``` Or a code block. ``` ## Tables | Header | Header | | ------ | ----------- | | Tables are tricky | And need some special care | ## Links [CKEditor 5 main site](https://ckeditor.com/) ## Images ![CKEditor 5](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1099479/179190754-f4aaf2b3-21cc-49c4-a454-8de4a00cc70e.jpg)